by Commission Flow | Jun 14, 2016 | Real Estate Training
There are good real estate agents, and then there are great real estate agents. What’s the difference?A great real estate agent is likely to earn more money, gain more word of mouth referrals and have clients lining up to hire them. And how do they achieve this?...
by Commission Flow | Jun 9, 2016 | Guest Post
As an agency owner, no doubt you meticulously report on profit margins, revenue and expenses, and you know your financial situation from one month to the next.But do you know how your business compares with your competition? Do you ever carry out business...
by Commission Flow | May 31, 2016 | Real Estate Marketing
The Internet is now so widely used around the world that our modern era has been called the “Information Age”. The Internet is the main tool used by consumers to find out information, stay in touch with others and buy goods and services.Whole new industries have...
by Commission Flow | May 17, 2016 | Real Estate News
It’s not uncommon for competing agencies to offer massive discounts on their real estate fees just to win business in a cutthroat market. Whilst this practice may win some new business in the short term, the long-term result is not particularly good for the...
by Commission Flow | May 3, 2016 | Real Estate Marketing
Some people say a great real estate agent is born, while others say the skills you need can be learned. However you become a great agent, it’s hard to be successful if nobody knows about you, and getting your name out there is all about marketing, planning and...